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Description: This material does NOT generate grass blades. I used grass-O-matic for that. In addition to that, I know this isn't the HDR/balanced scene, but the flat lighting in the default scene doesn't properly illustrate this this sun/sky combo is more appropriate for something like grass anyway. There are three variations in this multi-material. So ideally you'll want to use multiple grass "layers" and vary the color for some randomness. You may want to explore using a wider range of colors than I did in this example material to further randomize the look.
Submitted On: 03 Oct 2009
Submitted By: Jeff Patton (JeffPatton)
Submitted On: 03 Oct 2009
File Size: 270.51 Kb
Downloads: 4693
File Version: 3ds Max 2010
File Author: Jeff Patton
File HomePage:Click to visit site
Total Votes: 29

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