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Description: This material has a Blend Material, with two A&D mat and with a fallof for control the area that you want the grass on the rock. All the textures are Tileable and you can adjust the mapping only changing the tile into Bitmap area. In the example max file i used a 0.5 pixel (edge lenght), 4k (Max subdiv) and 0.2362" / 0.6 cm (Max displace). Change this values in Displacement Global settings for adjust the material in your Objetc.
Submitted On: 01 Feb 2010
Submitted By: Lee Thompson (MrMaterials)
Submitted On: 01 Feb 2010
File Size: 2,355.95 Kb
Downloads: 293
File Version: 3ds Max 2010
File Author: Carlos Calvo
Total Votes: 2

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